Strength training
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Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Tue May 22, 2012 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Strength training


since i regularly go to a local gym for training i started to get interested in the "theory" of it, so ive read a dozen materials about it. mostly, i read the same things, but there is one thing in which every book differs.
all agree that breathing is important during exercises, and all agree that you shouldnt hold your breath on effort, but i found two totally different theories about it, and every book and every person ive talked to seem to tell either this or that
1 - EonE, e.g. "exhale on effort", so as to breathe "consciously" and during ALL exercises, exhale while u are lifting a weight
2 - "breathe as it comes" - basically, when one's performing a push-up for instance, most people (by instinct) inhales when going down and exhales when pushing him/herself up. at other exercises, like biceps curling, most people inhales while lifting the weight and exhales while lowering it. so in the two exercises, the person breathes differently.

so what do you think, which one is true?

and yes, id like to be first to comment "breathe the pressure", before anyone else would do :)

Author:  kkikx74 [ Tue May 22, 2012 12:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

breathing is most important when you do all-body exercises like squats, lunges and dead lifts - slow and deliberate exhale in the extension phase create a protective 'baloon' around your lower spine. if you inhale in this phase youre putting your spine in danger.

dunno if this 'reverse' breathing could be good for some isolation exercises.

and definitely avoid getting dizzy at the end of an exercise. i used to remain sitting/lying on a machine until i get my breath back. if i got up too soon i got dizzy

Author:  MoozeBlaster [ Wed May 23, 2012 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

exhale when you lift/push/press, or whatever you are doing.

You get the point. :)

Author:  Harbinger [ Wed May 23, 2012 4:48 pm ]
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