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<  PRODIGY NEWS  ~  Keith Flint dead

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:13 pm
User avatarMajorMajorPosts: 732Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:19 am
Kingdom wrote:

the eulogy read by Paul Kaye. Very moving words by Sharky, Leeroy, Maxim & Liam

Thanks for sharing! I couldn't watch the streaming and I couldn't find the eulogy.

Girls rock the world! |
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:58 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3117Location: LithuaniaJoined: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:18 pm

time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 12:13 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2417Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:33 pm

Molotov Cocktail - We Set The Goddamn Place On Fire.... This Is It!
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:12 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2082Location: AlaskaJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:23 pm
Man, this sucks. Going from a literal HIGH hearing WE LIVE FOREVER for the first time, then just months later this happens....I was excited to see they had planned on coming to the west coast...I can't help but wonder why he made the choice to end it. No one will know except him...but I've been reliving my younger years seeing all the old pictures popping up on fb and instagram...and I realize how much the band shaped my outlook on life. They always were real, never sold out, total artistic integrity. I joined the party in 96 when I heard firestarter the first time, but I soon jumped into the whole back catalogue....I love how they went from these raver kids, to these iconic rock deities....I always felt like no matter how old they got, no matter what they chose to do, they would be the realest they could be....I dunno, I'm sure everyone has their feelings about it....I always said I never wanted to meet the guys, because I held them in such high regard in my mind, I would never want to meet them in real life and change my view....but now I wish I could have met Keith, just to say thanks for being such a good hero...all the guys are my heroes. Long live

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:38 am
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 107Joined: Tue May 15, 2018 11:47 am
Dims wrote:
Man, this sucks. Going from a literal HIGH hearing WE LIVE FOREVER for the first time, then just months later this happens....I was excited to see they had planned on coming to the west coast...I can't help but wonder why he made the choice to end it. No one will know except him...but I've been reliving my younger years seeing all the old pictures popping up on fb and instagram...and I realize how much the band shaped my outlook on life. They always were real, never sold out, total artistic integrity. I joined the party in 96 when I heard firestarter the first time, but I soon jumped into the whole back catalogue....I love how they went from these raver kids, to these iconic rock deities....I always felt like no matter how old they got, no matter what they chose to do, they would be the realest they could be....I dunno, I'm sure everyone has their feelings about it....I always said I never wanted to meet the guys, because I held them in such high regard in my mind, I would never want to meet them in real life and change my view....but now I wish I could have met Keith, just to say thanks for being such a good hero...all the guys are my heroes. Long live

These thoughts and experiences of yours Dims might as well be mine! All these have happened to me too almost in this order. By the time I already had heard Voodoo People and No Good before (and really liked them right from the start) it was Firestater which got me really interested and excited and wanted to introduce myself with the whole backlog. ..And made me want more of their music. Experience as a rave album surprised me the most in a positive way as I had listened almost exclusively same kind of completely electronic (not so much rock) based music before.

At some level I always have had this idea or guess that I actually could have got along with all of them but then again it might be best option to keep a certain distance to your musical heroes so that the real life and expectations or assumptions won't get too mixed up.

But as said in one of the latest Kerrang! magazine articles about Keef is that those lucky ones who's orbits got crossed with his do not ever forget the encounter. He was that exceptional person with huge charisma without any arrogance which is usually combined with world wide stardom. And I believe this was true!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:13 am
User avatarCaptainCaptainPosts: 609Joined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:11 am
I remember last time the signed to BMG, a lot of people said, wow flinth is looking so unhappy. never forgot this


The track names were also strange, now after this happened with keith, WE LIVE FOREVER, NEED SOME1, GIVE ME A SIGNAL, LIGHT UP THE SKY

I know, there are coincidences, but makes this situation more strange like it is...

We saw that keith looked more tired/sad in the last interviews...but never thought this will happen...i would even be more happy they broke up with the band and to go on private...i would be pissed...but maybe maybe...

i miss him

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:46 am
User avatarColonelColonelPosts: 894Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:45 am
Kingdom wrote:

the eulogy read by Paul Kaye. Very moving words by Sharky, Leeroy, Maxim & Liam

thanks for this, had me going at work listening to that. Big respect to Paul Kaye. Even if you didn't know someone, reading that eulogy filled with so much love and admiration for 30 minutes must have been difficult. I suspect he did know Flinty and it will have made it all the more difficult.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:01 pm
GeneralGeneralPosts: 1786Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:52 pm
Paul Kaye definitely knows the band. ... lastonbury

Paul Kaye
Glastonbury, 1997

I got a call out of the blue from Liam Howlett asking me if I fancied picking up the Prodigy's Brit Award as [Dennis] Pennis because the band were going to be in Australia. Being a huge fan of the band I said I'd be honoured and that was that, until the Brits decided I was banned from Alexandra Palace on account of my behaviour the previous year, when I'd upset Madonna. So it was then decided that, instead, I would introduce the band when they headlined the main stage at Glastonbury on the Friday night. Having never done a stand-up gig in my life, I figured a crowd of 90,000 people was a good opener for me so I nervously accepted the invite. I introduced the band as a tribute act, The Australian Firestarters, and on they went. After two songs the sound just went and my worst nightmare was realised. I had to go on stage in front of an angry, frustated crowd, with no jokes and nothing to say. Mud and rocks flew and chants of 'Fuck off Pennis' - I was in big trouble. Then suddenly, out of nowhere in my head I decided to sing the Hebrew folk song 'Hava Nagila', which got the whole site clapping along. As I sang the final notes, the Prodigy's Maxim came on stage screaming 'we're back on' and I was left to sink into a puddle backstage where I thanked my Dad for making me learn that song against my wishes when I was 10 years old. ... _measure...

Have you ever tried to perform stand up or been tempted to?

I’ve only ever done two stand-up gigs; one was introducing The Prodigy on the man stage at Glastonbury in front of 90,000 people. Their sound failed and I went on and received shitloads of mud and abuse by an angry crowd. Divine inspiration intervened and I sang Hava Nagila in Hebrew which thankfully cheered them all up a bit.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:25 pm
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 408Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:34 am
dead0fnight wrote:
The track names were also strange, now after this happened with keith, WE LIVE FOREVER, NEED SOME1, GIVE ME A SIGNAL, LIGHT UP THE SKY

I started feeling uneasy in 2015 with Keith's lyrics to Wall of Death. "Fuck this and fuck the cash! Fuck you and your heart attack!" Sounds like a direct response to the band's management or Liam's push to make more music and continue touring. Though perhaps those lyrics were in response to Liam's scrapping of "How to Steal a Jetfighter" tracks.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:59 pm
GeneralGeneralPosts: 1786Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:52 pm
Moon wrote:
dead0fnight wrote:
The track names were also strange, now after this happened with keith, WE LIVE FOREVER, NEED SOME1, GIVE ME A SIGNAL, LIGHT UP THE SKY

I started feeling uneasy in 2015 with Keith's lyrics to Wall of Death. "Fuck this and fuck the cash! Fuck you and your heart attack!" Sounds like a direct response to the band's management or Liam's push to make more music and continue touring. Though perhaps those lyrics were in response to Liam's scrapping of "How to Steal a Jetfighter" tracks.

So just to get this straight, you think Keith was a prisoner in The Prodigy and he was protesting Liam's tyrannical rule with his lyrics?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:53 pm
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 408Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:34 am
James Jupiter wrote:
So just to get this straight, you think Keith was a prisoner in The Prodigy and he was protesting Liam's tyrannical rule with his lyrics?

Perhaps that he felt like a prisoner. Fed up of working on content that never gets released, being on a constant grind to pump out more, tired of going to the same gigs and singing the same songs over and over again. If you're tired, even if you love what you're doing, it's best to take a break once in a while.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:10 am
PrivatePrivatePosts: 236Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:26 am
Moon wrote:
dead0fnight wrote:
The track names were also strange, now after this happened with keith, WE LIVE FOREVER, NEED SOME1, GIVE ME A SIGNAL, LIGHT UP THE SKY

I started feeling uneasy in 2015 with Keith's lyrics to Wall of Death. "Fuck this and fuck the cash! Fuck you and your heart attack!" Sounds like a direct response to the band's management or Liam's push to make more music and continue touring. Though perhaps those lyrics were in response to Liam's scrapping of "How to Steal a Jetfighter" tracks.

IMO, you have to combine Keef's lyrics to Maxim's to view them from a different angle: I think that the song Is about promoters probably too scared to have the Prodigy doing their thing on stage ("I'm not here to be sterilised"). The band has always been about danger and even Liam's lyrics "welcome, my friends" ironically stress the "we-do-what-the-fuck-we-want", uncompromised attitude that the band Is about. That song may sound simplistic but to me it perfectly incarnates the spirit of the band.
So, I think that the "fuck the cash" thing Is a direct response to promoters, something that goes like "Do you think that your money can keep us from destroying the stage, swearing and doing our own thing? We'll give you the heart attack you're afraid of!!!". This also brings to memory the SMBU feud with the Beastie Boys, somehow.

These are sad times, overthinking may not be healthy. RIP Keef

"Vicariously I live while the whole world dies/Much better you than I"
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:33 am
GeneralGeneralPosts: 1786Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:52 pm
Some people are looking for 'evidence' (Song titles, lyrics, photos, interviews, etc) to fit their theory. We'll never know for certain why Keith decided to take his own life. It may have had nothing to do with being in The Prodigy. The Prodigy is the part of Keith the public see. We know very little about his personal life. What we do know is that in the time before 'AONO' Keith struggled because he didn't have the band to occupy him. He'd just finished a short tour (The Prodigy only tend to tour for around a week or two at a time these days to avoid burn out) and had two months before the next gig.

Keith's friends and family will have a better idea how Keith was than any fan seeing him.

From the eulogy and interviews in the past we know Keith didn't exactly live a 'safe' life (motorbikes, horse jumping, drugs, heavy drinking, etc). He took risks and "lived life on the razors edge". Leeroy mentioned expecting Keith might die in a crash, Liam said Keith had told him "he wasn't afraid to push the button". That interview from 2015 mentioned he'd have killed himself in the past but he didn't do it because he was a "coward". I'm sure his friends and family got him help in the past (when he had a problem with drink and drugs).

Why any fan of The Prodigy would want to decide that being in The Prodigy was the reason Keith took his own life I don't know. Do you want to feel guilty or are you looking for someone to blame? How does that help? There will never be a definitive answer as to why he took his own life so nobody will ever be confirmed as correct.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 10:44 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2417Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:33 pm
Moon wrote:
dead0fnight wrote:
The track names were also strange, now after this happened with keith, WE LIVE FOREVER, NEED SOME1, GIVE ME A SIGNAL, LIGHT UP THE SKY

I started feeling uneasy in 2015 with Keith's lyrics to Wall of Death. "Fuck this and fuck the cash! Fuck you and your heart attack!" Sounds like a direct response to the band's management or Liam's push to make more music and continue touring. Though perhaps those lyrics were in response to Liam's scrapping of "How to Steal a Jetfighter" tracks.

Those WoD lyrics are response to X-Factor / Got Talent. (Demi Lovato - Heart Attack) ... /giphy.mp4

Molotov Cocktail - We Set The Goddamn Place On Fire.... This Is It!
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 4:13 pm
User avatarColonelColonelPosts: 972Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:10 am
James Jupiter wrote:
Some people are looking for 'evidence' (Song titles, lyrics, photos, interviews, etc) to fit their theory. We'll never know for certain why Keith decided to take his own life. It may have had nothing to do with being in The Prodigy. The Prodigy is the part of Keith the public see. We know very little about his personal life. What we do know is that in the time before 'AONO' Keith struggled because he didn't have the band to occupy him. He'd just finished a short tour (The Prodigy only tend to tour for around a week or two at a time these days to avoid burn out) and had two months before the next gig.

Keith's friends and family will have a better idea how Keith was than any fan seeing him.

From the eulogy and interviews in the past we know Keith didn't exactly live a 'safe' life (motorbikes, horse jumping, drugs, heavy drinking, etc). He took risks and "lived life on the razors edge". Leeroy mentioned expecting Keith might die in a crash, Liam said Keith had told him "he wasn't afraid to push the button". That interview from 2015 mentioned he'd have killed himself in the past but he didn't do it because he was a "coward". I'm sure his friends and family got him help in the past (when he had a problem with drink and drugs).

Why any fan of The Prodigy would want to decide that being in The Prodigy was the reason Keith took his own life I don't know. Do you want to feel guilty or are you looking for someone to blame? How does that help? There will never be a definitive answer as to why he took his own life so nobody will ever be confirmed as correct.

Thank you.

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