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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:20 am
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 489Location: JupiterJoined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:00 pm
Usually when a Prodigy album gets released, the ratings of "fans" and the comments on the videos gets really bad rating.

But hey, they are just haters and are the loud ones, Prodigy videos is usually like 90%+ likes.. But after some months, they are finally gone.

Quiggers wrote:
Canibalist? Haha! Yes, one of the most insightful reviews of TDIME I have ever read! Like a schoolchild in the yard stamping his feet and shouting 'I hate you - I hate you, hate you, hate you!!!!' But when you ask them why they hate you, they will only fold their arms and answer 'just! I just do! I hate you [blows raspberry and turns away]!' I used to laugh at kids like that. Over the top theatrics - and little or no substance to any of their puerile semantics and outbursts. Most likely just love the attention.


And wtf is this? What is the kid doing? :shock: Who gave it a spoon of sugar?

Ride on the edge!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:28 am
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 239Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:51 pm
Quiggers wrote:
Fifer wrote:
At least they did something different with AONO.

This latest album is the least innovative they've ever done.

True: they did try something different with AONO - it was the first time they (by 'they' I mean Liam) wrote a record where at least half the songs (in my opinion) were at best average/mediocre - one or two below. They've never actually been able to reproduce that spectacular feat.

As for the new album being the least innovative album they've ever written, I beg to differ (and draw your attention to IMD: a record that was unashamedly Liam pillaging his back catalogue of experience-era sounds to produce one of the most one-dimensional and retro-sounding records he has ever made).

Invisible Sun and Medicine represent significant departures to the usual sledge-hammer approach of Prodigy records and changed the pace of TDIME before WOD smashes the album to a close.

You got to feel for Liam: fans condemning him for abandoning his roots and the big beats - fans condemning him for not being 'innovative' - fans condemning him for his new style of production - there's always a hater lurking no matter what direction he takes. The guy can't win.

This album (TDIME) is my favourite Prodigy album: as a collection of tracks it is the most consistent and offers twists and turns in pace and sounds that I have't heard since the Narcotic Suite at the end of MFTJG. A previous poster made a good point about the 'fresh factor' playing a part in some people believing that this album is their best effort yet - that may be true. However, with IMD, I knew pretty quickly that that album was no great shakes: I just remember a feeling of vague disappointment every time I listened to that album. It was the sound of a band trying too hard - stuck in musical quicksand, nowhere to go but backwards (which delighted the old-school experience-era fans, no doubt) - creating a 'cartoon' album that actually made me appreciate the relatively serious-sounding AONO (despite the fact that 50% of that album represents some of the most forgettable Prodigy tracks ever made - for me, at least).

This new album works for me. Better than I anticipated - got a bit of everything really. Fits together nicely - The Prodigy have redeemed themselves to me with this new record. This album has a much more confident vibe about it - like it is comfortable in its own skin.

Canibalist? Haha! Yes, one of the most insightful reviews of TDIME I have ever read! Like a schoolchild in the yard stamping his feet and shouting 'I hate you - I hate you, hate you, hate you!!!!' But when you ask them why they hate you, they will only fold their arms and answer 'just! I just do! I hate you [blows raspberry and turns away]!' I used to laugh at kids like that. Over the top theatrics - and little or no substance to any of their puerile semantics and outbursts. Most likely just love the attention.

Yeah, we can all dislike an album (in relative terms) - or parts an album - but when somebody slates an ENTIRE album (forming a rediculously extreme opinion - not the considered, rational criticism you associate with people who have no axe to grind) out of hand with little or no justification (like the child who throws their dummy out of the cot) AND that person also dismisses the opinions of other people (who DO like that album) then you know for sure that you are walking on troll territory. No doubt.

First off, you spelt my name wrong. However I'm of the assumption that it was intentionally done so as to be some part of hilarious joke. Go you.

Secondly, I have no axe to grind. I'm a genuine fan of the band that finds no merit in this new output by Liam, which is the same as what 90% of my friends think too. I'm not alone in this verdict.

Thirdly, I'm glad you can enjoy this shit. I however must have grown up so therefore I'm out. Enjoy being a deluded fanboy for the rest of your life.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:44 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2220Location: DenmarkJoined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:55 pm
:twisted: I like it!
:evil: I don't!
:twisted: I like it!
:evil: I don't!
:twisted: I like it!
:evil: I don't!
:twisted: I like it!
:evil: I don't!
:twisted: You don't?
:evil: No and you shouldn't neither.
:twisted: I like it!
:evil: It's shit!
:twisted: NO!
:evil: FUCK YOU!
:twisted: Fuck you!
:evil: Fuck you!
:twisted: Fuck you!
:evil: Fuck you!
:twisted: Fuck you!
:evil: Fuck you!

Har du hørt en lærke gø?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:13 pm
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 489Location: JupiterJoined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:00 pm
Hope Cabalist wont hate the songs im working on, inspired by Jilted era xD

Ride on the edge!
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:30 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1356Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:26 pm
Cabalist wrote:
Secondly, I have no axe to grind. I'm a genuine fan of the band that finds no merit in this new output by Liam, which is the same as what 90% of my friends think too. I'm not alone in this verdict.

Relatives,strangers on a bus station,people who ask for your lighter,prostitutes who give you a head and pets, do not count as friends.

Cabalist wrote:
Thirdly, I'm glad you can enjoy this shit. I however must have grown up so therefore I'm out.

Thats an excuse for when you cant get it up,or cant control your sphincter to make your other half happy.Go back to your cave.I think Liam posted something for all those who do not find a single nice thing on the new album.

.: Electronic_Punk®'s lovechild :.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:47 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2220Location: DenmarkJoined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:55 pm
What did Liam post? I'm interested :)

Har du hørt en lærke gø?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:23 pm
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 239Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:51 pm
Cabalist wrote:
Secondly, I have no axe to grind. I'm a genuine fan of the band that finds no merit in this new output by Liam, which is the same as what 90% of my friends think too. I'm not alone in this verdict.

Relatives,strangers on a bus station,people who ask for your lighter,prostitutes who give you a head and pets, do not count as friends.

Cabalist wrote:
Thirdly, I'm glad you can enjoy this shit. I however must have grown up so therefore I'm out.

Thats an excuse for when you cant get it up,or cant control your sphincter to make your other half happy.Go back to your cave.I think Liam posted something for all those who do not find a single nice thing on the new album.

What is it with your constant abusive behaviour to me dude? Ok, I get it, you love the band. I did too, at one point, but I don't like their new material. Why do you feel it necessary to throw insults at me at any given opportunity? Give it up FFS.

Don't take my negative critique as a personal slight against you. You didn't make that album, so why are you getting so defensive?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:12 am
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 239Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:51 pm
Sorry to double post, but I feel this is a valid point. Liam said in an interview that he was tired of people using "the same tired old tricks" and they're "not pushing boundaries", you've all lapped that shit up but yet comment on how he's regurgitated numerous shit on this album, ESPECIALLY on "Get Your Fight On" (aka "Take Me To The Hospital" part 2).

Do you not find that hypocritical?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:24 am
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 145Location: BLNJoined: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:52 pm
to be honest, I don't care really, I've got used to Liam sayin' one thing and doin' another, and whether he's a hypocrite or not it's not my business, 'cause I'm not buyin' his words or his "truth", I'm byuin' his music if it gives me joy and in this case - it does. but I understand that it might upset a lot of fans, it upsets me even, but not the fact, that he's a hypocrite, but the fact, that he chose the weaker, less fitting version of GYFO for the album - the first version had a massive, beating_to_the_ground beat and the album version is.. well, it's just decent.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:25 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1305Location: RomâniaJoined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:58 am
Cabalist wrote:
Sorry to double post, but I feel this is a valid point. Liam said in an interview that he was tired of people using "the same tired old tricks" and they're "not pushing boundaries", you've all lapped that shit up but yet comment on how he's regurgitated numerous shit on this album, ESPECIALLY on "Get Your Fight On" (aka "Take Me To The Hospital" part 2).

Do you not find that hypocritical?

Of course they don't find it hypocritical, people waited for the 6 year bubble to end so that the band can finally put an album out. That being said most are concentrated to listen to the album and just don't want to recognize to themselves that a good portion of the tracks are really old and that Liam ended up sampling himself (even Rebel Radio's beats are lifted). This album is one giant Best Of type of compilation but remixed.

I still listen to it a lot actually and find it fun but it simply isn't what a Prodigy album used to be.

Love, Peace and Drum Beats.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:48 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1356Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:26 pm
Cabalist wrote:
What is it with your constant abusive behaviour to me dude? Ok, I get it, you love the band. I did too, at one point, but I don't like their new material. Why do you feel it necessary to throw insults at me at any given opportunity? Give it up FFS.

Don't take my negative critique as a personal slight against you. You didn't make that album, so why are you getting so defensive?

You keep trying to make us agree that TDIME sucks.Posted once...twice...10 times ok it is normal but you never stop.It has nothing to do with your right to post your opinion here.You find nothing good on the album but you feel the need to come back here and post about it again and again.This is a pathological behaviour.In rl if you were with friends,at some point someone would stand up tear apart his shirt and say: ''STFU Already!!! We get your point,you are a tiny minority here,noted your arguement,we try to be polite but stop been annoying''.

Go register to a catholic church forum,post you are an atheist gay teen that you feel insecure about the future and ask for help.Go to a vegetarian forum and open a thread about your ''burning feeling'' in the stomach when you eat mushrooms with bacon and cheese.Go to a gay forum and post that you get an erection when people tie you to a chair and spit on your face but you are not sure about your sexual orientation.Go to an obesity/diet forum and open a thread that you want to hurt yourself because you are an anorectic.... Go post anywhere you want but stop busting our @@ here.

Btw with all the time you take to post for an album you hate you could start listen to it and im sure some songs would grow on you. :)


Last edited by SPECIAL FORCES on Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

.: Electronic_Punk®'s lovechild :.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:53 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1356Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:26 pm
*At least everyone else who does not like the album much find 2-3 songs they enjoy.You reject everything.Go troll somewhere else(i hope you troll and you are not just stupid).

.: Electronic_Punk®'s lovechild :.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:57 am
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 139Location: IsraelJoined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:49 pm
HSVV wrote:
to be honest, I don't care really, I've got used to Liam sayin' one thing and doin' another, and whether he's a hypocrite or not it's not my business, 'cause I'm not buyin' his words or his "truth", I'm byuin' his music if it gives me joy and in this case - it does. but I understand that it might upset a lot of fans, it upsets me even, but not the fact, that he's a hypocrite, but the fact, that he chose the weaker, less fitting version of GYFO for the album - the first version had a massive, beating_to_the_ground beat and the album version is.. well, it's just decent.


I also care only about the music. Sometimes I like it more, sometimes less. But I'm the happiest I can be at a Prodigy gig and that probably won't change anytime soon.

As for Liam - I don't think he's a hypocrite. I think he means well when he says/promises stuff. But like a lot of other artists, his thoughts are all over the place and he either forgets, loses interest, becomes absent-minded about things or whatever. Considering that, along with his perfectionism, we're lucky to get new Prodigy material.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:28 pm
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 6Location: IsraelJoined: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:14 pm
*At least everyone else who does not like the album much find 2-3 songs they enjoy.You reject everything.Go troll somewhere else(i hope you troll and you are not just stupid).

first post and long time lurker on this site and I have to say you have to be the saddest person on this forum :lol: seriously the things you write to people shows how shit your life must be in the real world :lol: do you have friends?

ok the new album is a 8/10 from me.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:12 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1356Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:26 pm
nogoodforme wrote:
*At least everyone else who does not like the album much find 2-3 songs they enjoy.You reject everything.Go troll somewhere else(i hope you troll and you are not just stupid).

first post and long time lurker on this site and I have to say you have to be the saddest person on this forum :lol: seriously the things you write to people shows how shit your life must be in the real world :lol: do you have friends?

ok the new album is a 8/10 from me.

The ''ok the new album is a 8/10 from me'' gave you away Canibalist.Long time lurker and you registered today ONLY to attack me :lol: ...little kitty....

.: Electronic_Punk®'s lovechild :.
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