Top 5 Front cover (Album/EP/Single)
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Author:  Trawizz [ Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Top 5 Front cover (Album/EP/Single)

Well, I am not sure if this topic has been made, but here you go. I really think they had some nice front covers through out the time. My top 5 is:
1. Girls - Maybe even my favorite cover all time when seeing it on Vinyl.
2. Voodoo People E.P. (Mute) (The Hat Version) - This was the best version of the 2.
3. Wild Frontier (Do not know why, but I find it interesting)
4. No Tourists (Looks like a bus from a horror movie, love it)
5. Baby's Got A Temper - Song not so great, but the artwork for it was cool.

Author:  feelthy [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 5 Front cover (Album/EP/Single)

1. AONO - smoking hot
2. TDIME - that apocalyptic orange sky
3. TFOTL - epic
4. No Tourists - scary
5. Their Law (blue badge) - looks notorious

Girls or Spitfire are great too but I left them out because it's pretty much the same as AONO

Author:  sks2002 [ Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 5 Front cover (Album/EP/Single)

1. AONO. The album cover just screams art
2. MFTJG. The look of the face which looks like it has been vacuumed by plastic.
3. No Tourists. It got an ambient feel to it but I just like it
4. Invaders EP. The UFO zapping people gat a punk feel to it
5. EITP EP. The picture of the corkscrew rollercoaster is a good one

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