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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:58 pm
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 495Location: Belfast, IrelandJoined: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:57 pm
narayan wrote:
Genelec 6010As on Tour with The Prodigy! (sound equipment) ... p?f=3&t=36

“As each single comes out I’m messing about with possible B-sides." Liam


The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:05 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2089Location: Melbourne, AustraliaJoined: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:22 pm
filtermadg wrote:
narayan wrote:
Genelec 6010As on Tour with The Prodigy! (sound equipment) ... p?f=3&t=36

“As each single comes out I’m messing about with possible B-sides." Liam


yes liam, ofcourse you are :wink:

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:25 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1780Location: EnglandJoined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:06 pm
Let's hear em then!...

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:49 pm
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 579Location: BulgariaJoined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:58 pm
Harbinger wrote:

"Don't start anything" :rofl1:

Very cool interview :-D

However, I don't fully agree with Maxim on the MC, dancer and electronica part. I don't see anything too wrong with these terms. Come to think of it, didn't he say stuff like "Watch the MC kill the dancer" on DOTPD and "I'm the MC, he's the addict" on Breathe (Phoenix 96)!? Also, the genre definition on their Facebook page reads "electronica". While it's true that they are far from being simply electronica, that's perhaps the only genre that is in common for all Prodigy tunes.

In Liam we trust!
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:43 pm
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 95Location: Paris, FranceJoined: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:08 pm
Fired up: Keith Flint

By Ed Power

Friday June 19 2009

Keith Flint is choking on peanuts. "Facking hell!" sputters The Prodigy frontman. "I guess it must be the surprise of outselling U2." We're discussing the blockbuster performance of The Prodigy's latest album, Invaders Must Die, which is flying off shelves three times as fast as No Line On The Horizon.

"Do you know, that's something I wouldn't normally notice," says Flint, having loudly and laboriously cleared his throat. "One of the guys at the label told me the other day [about the healthy sales]. People involved in the whole 'admin' side of the thing -- they see those stats and they love it. For me, really and truly, that stuff doesn't matter."

I'd been warned about Flint. Apparently, he's a thorny interviewee -- infamous for turning the tables on journalists and assailing them with questions about whatever album The Prodigy are promoting at that moment ("just make sure you've heard the record!" pleaded more than one PR person). Moreover, his management has made it clear that, on no account, are we to touch upon his 'personal life' -- a reference to Flint's well-publicised drug binge late last year, which, according to newspaper reports, culminated in the singer jogging around his home town of Braintree, Essex, without any clothes on.

As it turns out, Flint is ... if not exactly cuddly (his speaking voice is disconcertingly similar to the football-hooligan growl he employs on Firestarter) then certainly not the journalist-devouring ogre he's been painted as. And yes, he is happy to talk about the 'personal' stuff, drugs and all.

"It's well documented that during the first five months [of the recording of Invaders Must Die] things got a bit out of control," he says. "It was lads in a studio being quite excited about writing again. I think we were buzzing to be in there. I was enjoying quite a bit of freedom."

Still, there's such a thing as too much freedom. Romping in the nip around suburban Essex was the final straw -- Flint has been sober ever since. "Me, personally -- I'm clean at the moment. Out of necessity rather than want. As far as actual drugs -- and I can only talk about myself -- I'm not down with that right now. I'm 'aving a bit of a break to make sure I'm firing for the tour. That's more important than the thousands of nights I've wasted."

With its bludgeoning beats and air of Wagnerian menace, Invaders Must Die is a quintessential Prodigy album in every aspect but one: it is thoroughly lacking in controversy. How far the group has come from the days when Smack My Bitch Up had the moral majority foaming at the chops, or when the Baby's Got A Temper, with its 'ironic' references to date-rate drug Rohypnol, put Flint and company in the firing line of women's rights groups.

"The sad thing that came out of all that is that we've a 'controversialiser' always switched on now," says the vocalist. "We're constantly going, 'No, maybe we should take that bit out'. We're actually very wary of it. Let's be honest -- any kid can press a button on a lap-top today and see, listen or read anything. And I do mean anything. So saying 'smack my bitch up' in a track -- that will never be controversial again."

All in all, it's been a tempestuous few years for The Prodigy. At the turn of the decade, it seemed the group was destined for a messy split. Following the global success of 1996's Fat Of the Land, the block-rocking behemoth that not only spawned a new genre (call it techno-metal) but managed, via Smack My Bitch Up and Firestarter, to turn the band into the international super-villains of dance music, they hit a creative dry patch. With Liam Howlett, The Prodigy's musical fulcrum, apparently in the grip of writer's block and the rest of the group agitating to get back to the studio, relationships began to break down.

"It's a massive subject. It kind of needs its own interview," says Flint. "Me and [singer/dancer] Maxim were banging on to Liam to get into the studio. And he wasn't ready for that. So I started writing some Prodigy stuff, which then became solo stuff. And then, in the middle of that, Liam was like, 'OK, I'm ready'. And what with the lack of communication and some people who really didn't do anything to pull the situation together, well, it was a bad time."

On the other hand, at least The Prodigy functioned as a touring unit -- plus, they were on the receiving end of a charm offensive from Madonna (she would ultimately sign The Prodigy to her Maverick label in the US). "I'll say this for Madonna -- when she wanted the band, she didn't send her workforce over, waving her magic wand," says Flint. "She arrived at the office and said, 'I want The Prodigy'. I respect her for that. She came to loads of shows in the States -- and she didn't turn up with big entourages and security and be like, 'Make way for Madonna, the queen of pop'. She was real. I gotta give her that."

Meanwhile, tensions were still ratcheting up. Matters reached a low point when Howlett scrapped what was to have been the follow up to Fat of the Land and told the rest of the band that, in the studio at least, they were excess to requirements. Locking himself away for six months, he recorded the group's fourth album, Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned essentially as a solo project -- inviting Flint and the rest back only when he was finished.

"If people want to think of it as a solo LP for Liam, well, I don't mind," says Flint. "I look at it as a Prodigy album. I facking love that album. When I put [hit single] Spitfire on, it blew my mind. This guy had written a baseball bat -- it's like his arm had come out of the speaker and smacked me around the 'ead."

So is all sweetness and light in Prodigy land today? "Nah, man," he says with a laugh. "At the end of the... we're basically grumpy c***s."

Prodigy will make their Slane Castle debut tomorrow; though, truth be told, Flint seems vaguely underwhelmed by the prospect. "We've been in this game for a while now, so I'm quite aware of the venues. It's always buzzing in Ireland. As much as doing Slane is a massive event, I'm as happy to come and play to a thousand people in Ireland, 'cos it's always banging."

There's a shared history between The Prodigy and headliners Oasis. Howlett is brother-in-law to Liam Gallagher (each is married to one of the Appleton sisters from All Saints). And the two bands have been friends since breaking through to international stardom in the mid 90s.

"I've got a lot of respect for Noel and Liam," says Flint. "I've hung out with Liam a lot of times. He's a geezer, he really is. With Liam, what you see is what you get. I love him for it. That's what it's about -- you've got to have the Liam Gallaghers out there, you know what I mean?"

Flint also speaks highly of Dublin comedy-popsters Fight Like Apes, whom The Prodigy hand-picked as support on their 2008 British tour. "They're an awesome band," says Flint. "It's always hard to find groups who can tour with The Prodigy."

Not, he says, that he's the kind to get pally with the opening act. "You know, it's very easy to have a few beers with people in the music industry and suddenly be friends for life -- 'Let's work together!' All of a sudden, you're trying to form a super group with a few people you've met in a club. I'm not into that, myself. Those aren't your mates. Your mates are the people who have been around 10 years or more."

Invaders Must Die is out now. Prodigy play Slane Castle tomorrow

- Ed Power ... 79475.html

(found by James Jupiter on nekosite forum)

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:57 am

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:08 pm

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:30 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6523Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:44 am

You Just Run On Automation
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:43 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:52 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1780Location: EnglandJoined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:06 pm
Cheers, worth a watch

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:59 pm ... e-prodigy/
Interview: Keith Flint - The Prodigy

Friday, July 10, 2009

keith250In an exclusive interview, we caught up with The Prodigy frontman Keith Flint to talk fast cars, tattoos and favourite bands just after he’d taken a spin around a Hockenheimring racetrack in a Formula 3 car. He was pretty excited to say the least…

What was racing the car round the track like?
Engines, circuits and horsepower and going on stage are my greatest passions and to do the two in one day is just incredible. To drive this circuit is awesome. I’m just blown away.

What do you motor around in when you’re not racing Formula 3 cars?
I’ve got a ‘nice’ car and I’ve got some not-so-nice cars, but I don’t like to go on about what I’ve got as it’s not very cool. I drive a load of old Range Rovers that I do eventing in, so that’s generally what I drive.

You can race any other band on the Sonisphere tour. Which would it be?
It would be Motorhead, although I’d like to make it fair and race everyone.

They’re not on this tour.
Aren’t they? Oh God, I thought they were. Are you sure?

Pretty sure. Rather than race everyone, how about you and just three other bands in an elite Sonisphere Road Rage Rally?

Okay, Metallica obviously. I want to see Lars going around the track as I’m sure he’s a nutbag. Pendulum we know and love and they’re great guys, we’d definitely have a laugh with them, so we need them along.

Would you beat them?
I don’t go on the track without any other thought than, ‘I am going to beat them’. That’s the only thought I can possibly carry with me. There’s honour in being competitive

Okay, so who’s the final high-octane act?
I don’t know Mastodon, but our guitarist knows them well as he used to tour with Manson, so let’s bring them along as we might make some new friends.

You could definitely compare tattoos. What’s your favourite tattoo?
I generally don’t have one. I kind of get them done and then I go off them and have to get another one done. I don’t like any of them really.

What’s your most recent one?
I think it’s a wolf chewing on a tank.

Does it mean anything?
No. I’m very impulsive. I get a design, draw it up and then think about it later. Generally if there’s an artist I like somewhere on tour I’ll go and see them. So if you’re in the States or wherever you are it’s easy to do.

Talking international tours, how do German rock crowds differ to others?
I must admit, to me, crowds don’t vary. German crowds are into their music and it’s always great to play for a crowd that are properly into their music as they get it and they appreciate it. Going on stage is the best thing on the road. It’s all about that hour and the worst thing is the travelling.

So what’s playing on the tour bus at the moment to relieve the tedium?
Graham Coxon’s new album and The Brakes.

Do you have a favourite band?
I kind of gave up favourite bands and am like the guy who doesn’t have a football team. If I was pushed, I’d have to say Rage Against the Machine. They deliver every time you see them and never let you down. They’re 100% every single time. They’ve just got to reform and get out there and start touring with us.

Finally, what changed your life?
My first involvement with The Prodigy changed my life quite significantly, so I’d be silly not to say that, but I’d say listening to All Mod Cons by The Jam was when I decided I had to be sharp, I had to look good, be cool and be a bit of a face.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:31 pm
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 263Location: MacedoniaJoined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:09 am
I've just watched the interview Keith and Liam made before the EXIT gig 3 days ago on TV, and i heard something very interesting.
The question from the host was : "Your new album 'Invaders Must Die' came out 5 years after AONO. Why is the gap between albums so big?"
Liam said something like : "Everyone looks at the dates, i don't like that. We put lot of time and effort on live gigs and that's why we have big gaps between our albums, but our next album we'll be out faster than usual."

Smell The Kahuna
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:35 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6523Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:44 am
IgorChete wrote:
I've just watched the interview Keith and Liam made before the EXIT gig 3 days ago on TV, and i heard something very interesting.
The question from the host was : "Your new album 'Invaders Must Die' came out 5 years after AONO. Why is the gap between albums so big?"
Liam said something like : "Everyone looks at the dates, i don't like that. We put lot of time and effort on live gigs and that's why we have big gaps between our albums, but our next album we'll be out faster than usual."

ooooh nice :-D

there's a bit in The Sun today about Exit saying The Prodge got a bit arsey and refused to do any/many interviews and asked to be left alone.

You Just Run On Automation
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:38 pm
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 263Location: MacedoniaJoined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:09 am
Harbinger wrote:
IgorChete wrote:
I've just watched the interview Keith and Liam made before the EXIT gig 3 days ago on TV, and i heard something very interesting.
The question from the host was : "Your new album 'Invaders Must Die' came out 5 years after AONO. Why is the gap between albums so big?"
Liam said something like : "Everyone looks at the dates, i don't like that. We put lot of time and effort on live gigs and that's why we have big gaps between our albums, but our next album we'll be out faster than usual."

ooooh nice :-D

there's a bit in The Sun today about Exit saying The Prodge got a bit arsey and refused to do any/many interviews and asked to be left alone.

Knowing how arrogant and aggressive journalist here in the Balkans are, i totally understand them. Plus they ask totally retarded questions......

Smell The Kahuna
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:35 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1305Location: RomâniaJoined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:58 am
IgorChete wrote:
I've just watched the interview Keith and Liam made before the EXIT gig 3 days ago on TV, and i heard something very interesting.
The question from the host was : "Your new album 'Invaders Must Die' came out 5 years after AONO. Why is the gap between albums so big?"
Liam said something like : "Everyone looks at the dates, i don't like that. We put lot of time and effort on live gigs and that's why we have big gaps between our albums, but our next album we'll be out faster than usual."

he's lying

Love, Peace and Drum Beats.
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