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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:41 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2669Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:04 pm
Already posted ;) Cast - the most important news for now, the rest is already known ;)

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:46 pm
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Nightmare wrote:
Already posted ;) Cast - the most important news for now, the rest is already known ;)

I noticed. And yes, cast is the big news but I posted the article as it includes some additional details. Hope you don't mind... :wink:

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:19 pm
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Nope mate :) Btw. i think the cast choice is good... Maybe not perfect but very good.

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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 11:45 am
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What Does the Casting of 'Star Wars Episode VII' Tell Us About the New Film?
29 April 2014

As Lucasfilm makes it official, we dig in to discuss the choices


It seems like only yesterday I wrote that we would most likely see a "Star Wars" casting announcement soon.

Oh, wait, it literally was yesterday. And while many of the names I mentioned in that piece did indeed end up being part of this morning's official casting announcement made via the official "Star Wars" website as well as Facebook, there were still some big surprises.

Can we talk about Andy Serkis first? His casting would suggest that there's going to be a major performance capture character in the film, but that doesn't have to be the case. I think people forget that Serkis has made plenty of appearances in films as himself. Now, would I be excited if he was performing a major performance capture character in the film? Absolutely. Serkis has proven himself to be the gold standard of breathing life into digital creations, and while I think Ahmed Best became the target of untold oceans of fan hatred for doing exactly what he was asked to do with a character, I'm also sure that having a character in your film that has to be brought to life via digital effects must give all producers the shivers any time they think of Jar Jar Binks.

It's great that Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker are all listed as part of the cast, although I have questions about the physical demands on all three of them. Mayhew hasn't been healthy in a while, and Chewbacca is such a physical role to play. I wonder how much longer Daniels is going to be able to strap on the suit and actually physically bring C-3PO to life. And with Baker, it almost seems counter-intuitive to actually try to stick him back in the can considering how much easier it would be to simply build a remote controlled R2-D2. Still, those guys are part of the history of the series, and I am pleased to see them return.

John Boyega's inclusion makes me happy, and I think Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac are both exciting talents who will make tremendous additions to the cast. Domhnall Gleeson, the lead in one of my favorite movies that no one saw last year, is another young actor who seems to have a strong handle on who he is, and I would think that anybody who is signing on to appear in something like "Star Wars," something that will end up under a cultural microscope more intense than anything any of them have experienced before, would need to be strong and grounded and ready for that level of scrutiny. And as far as that goes, I think Max Von Sydow's probably got it covered, considering the already legendary shadow his work casts over film culture around the world for the last 40 years.

I love seeing Lawrence Kadan right there next to JJ Abrams, and I confess that the sight of R2-D2 in that box behind Abrams also makes me pretty happy. But you know what that photo says to me more than anything?

It's a movie. And when I see people already melting down over this thing or that thing or freaking out because of who is in the picture or getting angry because of who is not in the picture, it seems like many people would do well to remind themselves that, at the end of the day, no matter how invested you feel in the outcome of this thing, they are just making movies. They're telling a story that will hopefully entertain and excite and provoke, and that I hope builds off of the already existing world of "Star Wars" in thrilling ways.

The only thing that truly wears me down about "Star Wars" these days is the almost unspeakable level of entitlement displayed by "Star Wars" fans, and while I certainly played my part in cultivating some of that online, I've noticed that it's a lot easier to whip them into a frenzy than it is to ask them to address things in a mature and even manner.

The quote from Abrams today is a heartfelt one. "We are so excited to finally share the cast of 'Star Wars: Episode VII.' It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life once again. We start shooting in a couple of weeks, and everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud."

And before you start drawing battle lines and demanding things, take a deep breath and think about that last line. "Everyone is doing their best to make the fans proud." If you think anyone involved with this film is giving it anything less than 100% of their efforts, you're crazy. The only rational way to approach something like this is to set your own personal checklist aside. They cannot reach into the skull of each and every "Star Wars" fan and pull out their dream movie to release, and because of that, there is a percentage of fandom that is guaranteed to be disappointed, no matter what happens.

Look, I love that we know basically nothing about Daisy Ridley aside from what she looks like and a list of a few roles she's played. She must have a major role if she was part of today's announcement, and I'll be excited to see how she fits into things. We may have a clue in that table read photo above, though. You'll see that Harrison Ford is sitting next to Abrams. Then we've got Daisy Ridley, and on the other side of her, Carrie Fisher. Could Ridley be playing the daughter of Han and Leia? Based on that headshot, I'd buy it.

Truth be told, John Boyega is just as unknown as Driver to most people. He's been working since the release of "Attack The Block," and he was up for the role of Jesse Owens in an upcoming biopic, which he had to turn down because of this film. I've been told that he and Adam Driver have been in London for a while now training, and it sounds to me like both of them are going to be wielding lightsabers of their own in the new film.

Now begins the process of taking that scripts that Abrams and Kasdan have been working on for the last few months and actually bringing it to life. For the rest of the summer, somewhere in the world, we're going to have new "Star Wars" playing out, laying the groundwork for what Disney and Lucasfilm hope will be a massive new expansion of the series. There are billions of potential dollars on the line as well as the hopes and dreams of fans everywhere. But set all that aside, and it's just a group of talented people making a movie. Somewhere between the crushing expectation and the mundane reality, they've got to make this thing live and breathe.

I look forward to seeing them pull it off on December 18, 2015. ... e-new-film

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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:24 am
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J.J. Abrams Releases 'Star Wars Episode VII' Video Update, Internet Goes Nuts
5 May 2014

If anyone should be celebrating Star Wars Day, it’s J.J. Abrams. The unofficial holiday, sprung from the fact that "May the Fourth" sounds like "May the Force…", has become a rallying point for Star Wars fans worldwide in recent years. As one of those fans, it’s only right that the director of the movie franchise’s next installment should get in on the action—and stir up fan fervor.

Abrams and writing partner Lawrence Kasdan appeared in a short—under 30 seconds!—video (above) yesterday that sparked tons of speculation, with the director promising that casting announcements for Star Wars: Episode VII would "continue", despite last week’s official announcement of "the cast" of the movie according to Lucasfilm. (Worth noting: Lucasfilm issued a new call for extras for the movie this weekend.)

Kasdan also noted in the video that he and Abrams were in London "working on the next Star Wars script", which launched even more debate. Did that mean that the script for Episode VII was unfinished despite filming being just weeks away from its official start? Or was he referring to the script for the Star Wars film that follows Episode VII? You might find it hard to believe that 23 seconds of shaky cell-phone footage, "a video selfie" if you will, about a movie could cause such concern on the internet, until you remember that it’s Star Wars, and it’s the internet.

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PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:35 am
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Rumor: Katie Jarvis Up for 'Star Wars Episode VII'
16 May 2014


By now you probably know J.J. Abrams‘ 'Star Wars Episode VII' has begun filming. You probably also know the cast photo we saw two weeks ago isn’t the full cast. Besides dozens of small supporting roles, there are still some leads yet to be cast and a new report might have named two of them. The first one we knew. Maisie Richardson-Sellers, the U.K. based actress and Oxford student rumored a few weeks back, is reportedly in the film. Then there’s Katie Jarvis, another U.K. actress best known for the twisted 'Fish Tank' starring Michael Fassbender.

There’s no word, however, whom each of these actresses could be playing (if they’re in the film at all). That’s something we’ll likely have to wait a while to find out as the revelation of character names will start to reveal the story. And that’s not something J.J. Abrams is interested in.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 1:06 pm
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Want To Appear In 'Star Wars: Episode VII'?
21 May 2014

J.J. Abrams invites fans to appear in his movie

It's as if a million Star Wars fans cried out in excitement and were suddenly silenced... because they were all running for the keyboard. You see, J.J. Abrams has just officially announced, via the video below, that he is giving fans the chance to appear in Star Wars: Episode VII (while also helping UNICEF at the same time). What's also exciting is that he sent this message from the film's set, with Jim Henson-style creatures wandering around behind him.

This new initiative is called Star Wars: Force For Change, and sees Disney pledge $1m to get things rolling. Fans are now invited to pledge as well, and each $10 (about £6) will net you an entry in the draw for a visit to the set and a role in the film.

"The Star Wars fans are some of the most passionate and committed folks around the globe,” says director J.J. Abrams. “We’re thrilled to offer a chance to come behind the scenes as our VIP guests and be in Star Wars: Episode VII. We’re even more excited that by participating in this campaign, Star Wars fans will be helping children around the world through our collaboration with UNICEF Innovation Labs and projects."

“The Star Wars films were made through George Lucas's adventurous combination of technology and creativity,” says Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm. “We wanted to honor and carry on that positive spirit as we start production on Episode VII and use Star Wars to make a difference in the world. Star Wars: Force for Change will help us do that, letting us give back to the fans who keep Star Wars alive, and raising much-needed funds for programs like UNICEF's Innovation Labs.”

We are promised that the Star Wars: Force for Change campaign will help fund innovative, life-changing projects in communities around the globe - which can only be a great and a noble goal. And if it means we get to dress up as a Wookiee and appear in the great space opera as well, even better!

The real question posed by the whole thing is, who's the camel-peddlar guy or girl? Will he or she appear in the film? And where can we get one? Also, it looks very much like the story heads back to Tatooine once again, which is practically a tradition, we suppose; only Empire Strikes Back failed to visit the desert planet. They must have a great tourist board.

Star Wars: Episode VII of course stars (deep breath) Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Domhnall Gleeson, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Max von Sydow and Andy Serkis. It will arrive in cinemas with the steady stride of an AT-AT on December 18, 2015. Now, if you will excuse us, we have a few donations to make.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:40 pm
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'Star Wars: Episode VII' Leaked Spoiler Pics from the Set
2 June 2014

Earlier this month in a galaxy far far away, known as Abu Dhabi, JJ Abrams began filming 'Star Wars: Episode VII' and TMZ has obtained pics from the ultra-secretive set – including one giant creature.

Jedi sources tell us the new alien was manned by 5 men inside it's belly and was used in two scenes taking place in what looks like a Tatooine marketplace (Star Wars nerds get it).

According to reports, producers intend to use less CG in the new movies – instead, relying heavily on practical effects like the original trilogy which is evident in these photos. ... -creature/

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:53 am
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Lupita Nyong'o and Gwendoline Christie Join 'Star Wars: Episode VII'
2 June 2014

The Oscar winner and the 'Game Of Thrones' star join the cast


Good news for the single men in a galaxy far, far away! Two more women have joined 'Star Wars: Episode VII' in the shape of '12 Years A Slave's Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o and 'Game Of Thrones' kickass warrior Gwendoline Christie, aka Brienne of Tarth.

There's no word yet on the roles the pair will play, but Nyong'o has been rumoured for quite some time as a potential cast member or even a female lead - and her casting might explain why she hasn't taken any other high profile jobs on the back of her Oscar win. After all, if she's been in talks for Star Wars it's fair enough to hold out for that.

Christie, meanwhile, is currently on the road in 'Game Of Thrones', where she has become one of the most popular characters and is currently part of an unlikely double-act. She will also be appearing in 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay', the first part of which hits cinemas in November. Let's all hope that her blossoming big-screen career doesn't encourage George R.R. Martin to suddenly kill her off.

"I could not be more excited about Lupita and Gwendoline joining the cast of Episode VII," says Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. “It’s thrilling to see this extraordinarily talented ensemble taking shape."

The pair join Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Andy Serkis, Max Von Sydow, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in the film, which is already shooting in the UK and in the desert. J.J. Abrams is directing from a script by Lawrence Kasdan and Abrams.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:59 am
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Millennium Falcon Takes Shape in New 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Spy Shots
3 June 2014


We knew that Han and the rest of the classic Star Wars crew were returning for Episode VII, and now it appears that Han's ship of choice is coming along for the ride too. TMZ has new photos of a huge prop under construction, and by all means it looks just like the Millennium Falcon. It's still far from complete — so we can't say definitively that this is it — but it looks like a match to our eyes. Others photos show an additional, unidentified craft under construction as well, which looks like a number of ships from the original films and draws elements from fighters like the X-wing.

Director J.J. Abrams' interest in having Episode VII following up the original trilogy makes the appearance of standbys like the Falcon all-too logical. Of course, with just how many ships there are in the Star Wars canon, it's a possible that these photos show something else, but we certainly wouldn't be surprised to see it turn up. Episode VII is scheduled to hit theaters on December 18th, 2015, and just yesterday, it added two new stars to its cast. ... ion-photos

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:43 pm
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taken from

Over the past couple of days, a surprising number of candid snaps have sneaked out of the production of Star Wars: Episode VII. Many of them have been quite spoiler-y, hence our reluctance to share them on these pages, but it's fair to say that if you're desperate to find out what the various crewmembers on Episode VII have been up to behind the scenes, it's easy enough to find out with a quick web search.

Director JJ Abrams has responded to the leaked photos with an image of his own, which was posted via his Bad Robot Twitter feed. Really, it's little more than a note, expressing his frustration at the breaches in secrecy on his forthcoming movie. But it ends on a humorous note: the claims that the Millennium Falcon's in Episode VII is, he writes, "ridiculous". The note is, of course, sitting on the holochess board which famously belongs inside the Millennium Falcon.

All we can say is, well played Mr Abrams. That, and "Let the wookie win."

Read more: ... z33gnsaY9O


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:22 pm
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Mark Hamill Talks 'Star Wars: Episode VII'
6 June 2014

'I feel like I was called up by the Selective Service'


When the big announcement finally broke about the first wave of confirmed casting for Star Wars: Episode VII, the world finally realised that after months of speculation, original trilogy stalwarts Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher would indeed return as Luke, Han and Leia. Hamill has opened up to the Orlando Sentinel about his feelings on stepping back into that galaxy far, far away…

Rumoured for a while to pick up the lightsaber again, Hamill admits there is definitely demand. “Look, I’m aware that a lot of people don’t care one way or another, but for the UPFs – the ultra passionate fans – they would come after me like the angry townspeople with torches in the old Frankenstein pictures. I would have a lot to answer for if I didn’t at least try to make the effort. It’s not like I had a choice. I feel like I was called up for service by the Selective Service.” We thought for a moment he meant the Secret Service, but for those unaware, the Selective Service is a US government agency that provides trained and untrained personnel to the department of defence in times of crisis… And surely an interstellar threat qualifies?

Though he admits he was happy to leave his Star Wars days in the past, he did enjoy reconnecting with old friends. “I hadn’t seen Tony Daniels or Carrie Fisher or Harrison Ford or Peter Mayhew in ages. It was wonderful to see them again, because I didn’t expect to. Again, this is all so unexpected. It’s like getting out that pair of pants you haven’t worn in five years and finding a 20-dollar bill in the pocket. Oh, this is nice.”

And he’s certainly been preparing for the role for a while. “I’ve altered my diet. I’ve started working out. There’s that. But on the film itself: I toured the departments, I’ve looked at wardrobe, and I saw the creature shop. I went around and met all the cast people, saw the technicians working on some new things.”

He won’t, however, be spilling any unauthorized secrets from the set. “This is a whole different world .The first one, no one cared. The second one there was a lot of interest, but it was before the Internet… I tell people we’re not trying to annoy you or tease you or play some massive game. Basically what the goal is to keep the surprises for the movie instead of spoiling them on the Internet.”

Hamill will appear in the new film alongside fellow veterans Ford, Fisher, Daniels, Mayhew and Wars newcomers John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Lupita Nyong'o, Gwendoline Christie and Max von Sydow. With J.J. Abrams directing, Star Wars: Episode VII will be out on December 18, 2015.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:43 am
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Rian Johnson to Direct 'Star Wars: Episode VIII'
20 June 2014

And he'll write a treatment for 'Episode IX'


The choice of directors for the Star Wars films is becoming ever more interesting, and, in this case, excellent. Rian Johnson, the thoughtful, talented bloke behind Brick, Looper and several episodes of Breaking Bad, has been hired to direct Star Wars: Episode VIII.

Reports have pointed to him directing both of the other main Star Wars entries once J.J. Abrams has completed the seventh, but that has yet to be confirmed. He is, however, writing a treatment for Episode IX, which doesn’t rule him out of taking on the movie at a later date.

For now, though, writing and directing Episode VIII will be enough of a workload, but one we feel is in very safe hands. Few directors are connected to their material the way Johnson is and he’s consistently produced interesting work. How he adapts to life inside the Disney / Lucasfilm franchise machine will be a fascinating journey.

Johnson joins Abrams on the main franchise entries, with Godzilla’s Gareth Edwards and Chronicle’s Josh Trank assigned to make spin-off films.

Episode VII, which features John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Gwendoline Christie, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Lupita Nyong'o and Max von Sydow, plus saga veterans Harrison Ford (who will be back at work once his broken leg heals), Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker, will be out on December 18, 2015. If Disney keeps to its planned schedule, Episode VIII is set for 2017.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:06 am
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'Star Wars: Episode VII' Adds Christina Chong
17 July 2014

But who will she play?


Production is well under way on Star Wars: Episode VII – in fact, the cast and crew are scheduled to take a break next month to sort plans going ahead and to work around Harrison Ford’s leg injury. Yet there’s still space in that galaxy far, far away for more fresh faces, and according to Latino Review, Christina Chong will be among them.

Chong, who was most recently seen in 24: Live Another Day, has joined the cast, though we don’t – in true J.J. Abrams style – know exactly who she will be playing yet, and whether she’ll be on the light or dark side of the force (or, you know, somewhere in between, there’s room for subtlety).

She’s just the latest new recruit, with her casting ferreted mere weeks after it was announced that Pip Anderson and Crystal Clarke had made it through the huge open auditions. They all join the confirmed ranks of Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Gwendoline Christie, Domhnall Gleeson, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyong’o, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Max von Sydow, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley in the film.

With shooting in Abu Dhabi now complete, Star Wars: Episode VII is in progress at London’s Pinewood Studios, with the release still on track for December 18, 2015.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:46 am
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This is the new X-Wing fighter from 'Star Wars: Episode VII'
21 July 2014

Iconic starfighter makes its reappearance for charity

In the final video straight from the set of Star Wars: Episode VII, director J.J. Abrams gives fans one more thing to look forward to in the new film: a bonafide X-Wing starfighter. The iconic fighter, partially responsible for the destruction of two Death Stars, looks beat-up — and even somewhat modified — but formidable. Abrams seemed a little pleased to show it off, only to be a little peeved at the appearance of a mouse droid.

That an X-Wing would make an appearance in the film seemed like a foregone conclusion for a bit — especially after leaked images from the Abu Dhabi set showed both an under-construction Millennium Falcon and a vehicle that looked like a Z-95 Headhunter, a forerunner of the Incom-designed X-Wing that has appeared in Star Wars video games. While it's unclear who will be flying the craft in the finished film, fans should be excited to see elements of the original trilogy incorporated so deeply in the new series.

In addition, Abrams made clear he wants to end the Force for Change charity campaign on a high note. In addition to giving people the chance to join the cast of the movie, donors will automatically be eligible for a chance to enjoy an advanced screening in their hometown with 20 friends one week before Episode VII hits theaters in December 2015. "We know how much Star Wars means to so many of you," he said, "and we'd love to share the movie with you first while supporting this truly great cause."

Update 2:05PM ET: The official Star Wars Twitter account confirmed this afternoon (after our commenters noticed) that the design for the X-Wing draws from designs by original trilogy artist Ralph McQuarrie. The move makes all the more sense since Abrams seems to be pulling from McQuarrie's art for at least set design. ... pisode-vii

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