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<  PRODIGY MUSIC / GENERAL  ~  Gabba (Fan Remake)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:04 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3825Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Makiba wrote:
I have never imagined, that confusing the years after such hardworking and interesting people like Neko, Kotta, Peter Thomas & other, lead in the fan communities will be taken by stupid aggressive fanatics. Not really doing anything, except for loud slogans, insults and sectarian mantras that are repeated from time to time under each publication. Such people as Breivik begins their way absolutely same. Except that their stupid ideas that they also fight on the net is not based on "love" of the music band.

Did this guy really just compare himself to Neko and Kotta?


There's that bloated sense of self importance again.

The irony of you talking about repeated mantras, then going on one of your ramblings about Brievik once again. It looks like you found your slogan.

Somehow you want to equate the situation of you charging for your remakes of other people's music to a far right domestic terrorist like Breivik and a mass genocide lunatic like Hilter. Somehow you turned a discussion about acting in good conscience and respect for the band by not using the band to make money into an argument about fanaticism. You literally went on fanatic rant about how true fans do deeds. Somehow this train of thought made sense to you and you do not see any of the irony in your own words.

Speaking of legends like Neko and Kotta, did they ever try to make money off the band?


You forgot another legend... Brainkiller.

Now you're going back, updating and changing your post after its already been responded. Your last one was a half hour after I always responded. It's a nice little trick to make it look like you won an argument after the fact.

Trawizz wrote:
I have never imagined, that Hitler and Breivik would be mentioned in a Prodigy forum. That is mental.

Yeah, he loves to repeat that mantra.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:36 am
GruntGruntPosts: 20Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:22 am
I thought we agreed that you will not return without a doctor's permission

NEOREV wrote:
Did this guy really just compare himself to Neko and Kotta?

There's that bloated sense of self importance again.

Not i didn't compare myself to Neko. You are once again dreaming of paranoid patterns that provoke you to sort relationship things out on the network. But as we found out before, this is the normal for you.

NEOREV wrote:
Somehow you want to equate the situation of you charging for your remakes of other people's music to a far right domestic terrorist like Breivik and a mass genocide lunatic like Hilter. Somehow this train of thought made sense to you.

You can re-read previous messages.

NEOREV wrote:
Speaking of legends like Neko and Kotta, did they ever try to make money off the band?

I don't know, maybe they were. But i really don't care about it. This does not concern me, I believe that he is quite adequate people, and they themselves are able to figure out what to do.

NEOREV wrote:
You forgot another legend... Brainkiller.

I remember Brainkiller only from middle of 2000s and don't remember a large number of sick heads fanatics in those years. Perhaps this is due to the fact that time we were all teenagers or a little older, but the same level of mind development, and after years someone simply remained at the same level of mind development.
Or maybe it's a new wave of fans who actually more fanatics than fans.

Do you have anything to do with the management of BK? It just would explain a lot.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:32 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3825Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Makiba you posted...

Makiba wrote:
Yes, sometimes we drop there our re-creations, but it's re-creations of non-commercial works, that never been released. It's is fully our restorations and it samples never been redeemed by The Prodigy, most of it never been registered in licensed catalogs. Legally these tracks are nobody's.

I'm so glad you brought this all up by editing your post a half hour after I already responded to it so it would look like you won the argument.

Now let me show you how you are wrong as usual...

Here are the registrations/publishing rights for Gabba and Trigger, as in who gets paid what...



Makiba wrote:
And this is proved very easily, because Liam himself has played hundreds of times another artist's tracks on large public stages & commercial festivals for thousands of people without paying copyright fees for it, and also used samples from other people's songs without redemption of rights

When it comes to live performance that air on television, songs have to be registered. Plus any studio tracks, such as Trigger, Nuclear, No Souvenirs are on there because they were official at one point. All the earlier jam tracks are registered on different sites, such as Helicopter, Vogue, Acid Break etc. have been registered on sites. This was done so that if any old audio/footage is ever aired again, Prodigy gets their cut. You're talking about tracks with samples in them made back in the early and mid 90s. The rules were completely different back then. The BBC played the Zap Club 1994 on radio just after Keith passed away, which features both Rock N Roll and Gabba. The Prodigy obviously gets a check for this. The sampling is only an issue if one of the artists sampled back in the early 90s wants to start something now. But, again, when the track was actually written and performed, sampling laws were way more laxxed.

Makiba wrote:
I'm not selling music on Patreon. Platform is crodwfinding & we have subscribtion format for voluntary donators. People who subscribe us there do not even know what track, how many, and what information they will receive in return.

You say people who subscribe don't know what they're getting, but you state on your tier listings thar they're paying for the ability to download your remakes (aka Re-chambers). You even charge them more for lossless downloads.


Makiba wrote:
To be sure, half of the tracks in Dirtchamber's commercial mix are not redeemed and are not listed in the tracklist. But you willn't run to Instagram to Liam to prove how bad he is.

Liam had to get the rights to all songs featured on Dirtchamber, hence why he had to recut the whole mix when some artists declined (The Beatles/Jimmy Hendrix). It's actually one of the things Liam said he loathed about the whole project, having to play a record exec. He spoke about this. It is also most likely why he never did a Vol. 2.

Again, that was 1999 and sampling rules have only gotten worse since. Liam has scrapped songs due to not being able to clear samples (most likely why Dead Ken Beats was dropped, why deal with rights/money for a b-side) or having to completely rework the sample to be unrecognizable in order to release (Warriors Dance/Piranha).

And let me quote you one more time becuase of your amazing oratorical skills...

I hope this is where our discussion ends.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:32 am
GruntGruntPosts: 20Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:22 am
I edit the posts for checking its mistakes because English is not my native language. Maybe during editing some thought came to me and I supplemented the post. Anyway, I'm glad that instead of crazy delirium, you finally moved on to a more constructive discussion.

I perfectly understand why there was a registration of these tracks in the license catalogs. But if look carefully you will notice that in all "live only" tracks, the co-authors and the author of the original samples are not indicated, unlike to the released tracks. And this just means that the authors of the original samples did not receive a penny of royalties either from public playing live, for example from Gabba on Red Square for 250000 people, which actually is based on 4 almost unprocessed pieces of other people's tracks, or from being shown on TV with paid advertising during the broadcast.
Moreover, you can also find the registration of the TV broadcast from the festival 2005.07.15 - Gurtenfestival, Bern, Switzerland with tracks such as:

Wake Up Intro
New Warning
New Link

So the New Link:
is nothing more than just a track by Marc Moulin - Balek:

Not only did the author not receive a royalties for playing his track publicly at a commercial festival, but also his track was registered as a Prodigy track.
Moreover, if you thoroughly study the sampling of the released tracks, you can find a bunch of all sorts of unregistered sampling.
I don't really care, I have no goal to somehow discredit Liam, it's just not entirely clear to me on what principle you are so eagerly eager to protect the intellectual property of a person, which in fact is based on someone else's and who, in fact, sometimes does not hesitate to bootlegging. While attacking a small fan's penny project considering what amounts were unpaid to the other authors and received by himself.

NEOREV wrote:
You say people who subscribe don't know what they're getting, but you state on your tier listings thar they're paying for the ability to download your remakes (aka Re-chambers). You even charge them more for lossless downloads.

All this information was written down only so that the cunning ones did not ask a million questions in private messages. Returning to my first post, I already wrote that there is a specific category of fans who want not to support the project, but they cannot pass by either, they just want to grab something as soon as possible and as cheaply as possible, and it was for such people that the whole this warning information. As you can understand, there just not a single word about Prodigy is written, it is also not written what re-chambers are, there it is not written which ones, how many, etc.
So excuse me, this is a kind of protection from cunning entrepreneurs, who are actively pouring everything into the network, through private chats, etc.
I also talked with Gizz, who has his own Patreon before launching ours, and he also complained about Prodigy fans, who, instead of support, just donated $ 1, downloaded all the staff in any way connected with Produgy, left and put it in free access ...
We don't need such donators, if your goal is only to snatch and dump, thanks, but you'd better pass by.

Last edited by Makiba on Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:46 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3825Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Makiba wrote:
I edit the posts for checking its mistakes because English is not my native language. Maybe during editing some thought came to me and I supplemented the post. Anyway, I'm glad that instead of crazy delirium, you finally moved on to a more constructive discussion.

I perfectly understand why there was a registration of these tracks in the license catalogs. But if look carefully you will notice that in all "live only" tracks, the co-authors and the author of the original samples are not indicated, unlike to the released tracks. And this just means that the authors of the original samples did not receive a penny of royalties either from public playing live, for example from Gabba on Red Square for 250000 people, which actually is based on 4 almost unprocessed pieces of other people's tracks, or from being shown on TV with paid advertising during the broadcast.
Moreover, you can also find the registration of the TV broadcast from the festival 2005.07.15 - Gurtenfestival, Bern, Switzerland with tracks such as:

Wake Up Intro
New Warning
New Link

So the New Link:
is nothing more than just a track by Marc Moulin - Balek:

Not only did the author not receive a royalties for playing his track publicly at a commercial festival, but also his track was registered as a Prodigy track.
Moreover, if you thoroughly study the sampling of the released tracks, you can find a bunch of all sorts of unregistered sampling.
I don't really care, I have no goal to somehow discredit Liam, it's just not entirely clear to me on what principle you are so eagerly eager to protect the intellectual property of a person, which in fact is based on someone else's and who, in fact, sometimes does not hesitate to bootlegging. While attacking a small fan's penny project considering what amounts were unpaid to the other authors and received by himself.

But you said these tracks aren't registered when they are. There's tons of samples Liam didn't have to credit back in the day and do not show up in official track registrations. The main beat of Their Law is a huge sample and not credited. It doesn't change a thing. Either way, the song is officially registered. Gabba is registered on the same site as Breathe, No Souvenirs, Need Some1, and all their official tracks. You can even see the songs are under BMG.

There is a separate site with more live jams, links, and one offs.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:59 am
GruntGruntPosts: 20Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:22 am
NEOREV wrote:
Makiba wrote:
But you said these tracks aren't registered when they are. There's tons of samples Liam didn't have to credit back in the day and do not show up in official track registrations. The main beat of Their Law is a huge sample and not credited. It doesn't change a thing. Either way, the song is officially registered. Gabba is registered on the same site as Breathe, No Souvenirs, Need Some1, and all their official tracks. You can even see the songs are under BMG.

Not "all aren't registered" - "most of it aren't registered". Goblin, Get Acidic, Acid Break & etc. And which are registered like Gabba - royalties have been received, and the authors of the samples have not been specified. And the question is not - registered or not registered, the question is:

"What principle you are so eagerly eager to protect the intellectual property of a person, which in fact is based on someone else's without paying royalties to original authors and who, in fact, sometimes does not hesitate to bootlegging. While attacking a small fan's penny project considering what amounts were unpaid to the other authors and received by himself."

That's the questions is!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:10 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3825Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Makiba wrote:
NEOREV wrote:
Makiba wrote:
But you said these tracks aren't registered when they are. There's tons of samples Liam didn't have to credit back in the day and do not show up in official track registrations. The main beat of Their Law is a huge sample and not credited. It doesn't change a thing. Either way, the song is officially registered. Gabba is registered on the same site as Breathe, No Souvenirs, Need Some1, and all their official tracks. You can even see the songs are under BMG.

Not "all aren't registered" - "most of it aren't registered". Goblin, Get Acidic, Acid Break & etc. And which are registered like Gabba - royalties have been received, and the authors of the samples have not been specified. And the question is not - registered or not registered, the question is:

"What principle you are so eagerly eager to protect the intellectual property of a person, which in fact is based on someone else's without paying royalties to original authors and who, in fact, sometimes does not hesitate to bootlegging. While attacking a small fan's penny project considering what amounts were unpaid to the other authors and received by himself."

That's the questions is!

It's funny to watch you keep moving the goal posts whenever you're proven wrong.
You brought up them not being registered, using that to make what you're doing okay.
I showed tracks are registered, now you jump to something else.
It's fun to watch you try to use your oratorical abilities to worm your way out of corners you put yourself in.

That's your question? Here's your answer.

You did nothing but copied what Liam has already done.
Liam took bits of different tracks, sampled them, added his own touches, and created something new from it.
He brought his taste/style and reworked these samples into a new piece.
He reimagined the works of others into something else.
And there's the difference.
You did NONE of that.
You didn't reimagine anything.
You didn't reinvent anything.
You didn't make something new from these samples.
You just copied what he did to mimic his style.

Now you wanna hide your actions behind trying to pretend how Liam got paid instead of the original artists with sample usage

So let me get this straight, you're using the excuse of Liam making money off unpaid samples as an excuse to absolve you, and somehow that allows YOU to make money off those very same samples never paid the original artists and ripping off what Liam did with them?

Just stop. :lol:

At least Liam took those samples and combined them into something new. He showed some originality in the way he assembled them together.

Speaking of, you copying Liam's work, you know who also benefited off the blood, sweat, and tears of other people's work?



Anyway, I joke. I joke. But I can't wait for the next...

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:08 am
GruntGruntPosts: 20Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:22 am
NEOREV wrote:
It's funny to watch you keep moving the goal posts whenever you're proven wrong.

As I understand it, your arguments are over and you again switch to a discussion of the level of a school-pupil - "it's funny for me" - so that, in the absence of arguments, try to publicly look like you're right and you're funny now.

NEOREV wrote:
You brought up them not being registered, using that to make what you're doing okay.
I showed tracks are registered, now you jump to something else.
It's fun to watch you try to use your oratorical abilities to worm your way out of corners you put yourself in.

Yeah-yeah, another "funny" is coming... Can you just show me where in my message i wrote: "i brought up them not being registered"? I re-seen it 5 times again and still didn't see it. But I can clearly see the following:

Makiba wrote:
It's is fully our restorations and it samples never been redeemed by The Prodigy, most of it never been registered in licensed catalogs.

Or was it a classic attempt to take what was needed out of context, but did not work?

NEOREV wrote:
You did nothing but copied what Liam has already done.

Not, i already explained you how we worked with sound. And how difficult it is. Liam didn't send me anything ready.

NEOREV wrote:
Liam took bits of different tracks, sampled them, added his own touches, and created something new from it.

Not every time, sometimes it's was just mash-ups of someone else's pieces of tracks in it's original form, and sometimes, like with a New Link from Gurtenfestival, Bern, it's just a looped piece of someone else's track without changes. But it doesn't matter anyway.

NEOREV wrote:
He brought his taste of making tunes and reworked these samples into a new piece.
He reimagined the works of others into something else.

Yes, and what? And we re-created it? And what?

NEOREV wrote:
And there's the difference.
You did NONE of that.

Why are you listing the obvious things? We did not have a task to "bring our taste of making tunes and rework these samples into a new piece." Our task was "to re-create the tracks".

NEOREV wrote:
You didn't reinvent anything.
You just copied what he did..

We reinvent to how re-create the sound with out having original multi-tracks or sample-packs. We not just copied, we re-created from 'zero'.

NEOREV wrote:
Now you wanna hide your actions behind trying to pretend how Liam got paid instead of the original artists.

Why do you ascribe your thoughts and guesses to us in the affirmative? We don't wanna hide our actions. As i told before, we just launched our project, posting some content, we re-creating some tracks and we have Patreon for people who want to support our project. We do not impose anything on anyone - "don't like it/pass by".

You and your sect colleagues have started to impose something on me and tell me how what is right and how what is wrong. And it is not clear why. As far as I understand you are a militant fanatics. I tried to explain everything to you at the level of human understanding, you answered you do not care about the details and you moved on to clarify legal relations. I gave you as an example that legally not everything is so clean of the band itself and asked why you didn’t go to teach of rights to Liam on Instagram given his income, but got to us? But you started reading some regular mantra again.

As far as I understand, if you are such a righteous person and want everything to be according to the law, I understand that you need to start with those things to which you most of all devote your time. For example, go to sit on Liam's ears about the full redemption of rights. Is there any point in digging up to us, if we are not even relatives or friends to you? Do you care how it is with us?
Otherwise, it turns out that in reality, everything that you were trying to prove to us is not important for you. And the right you want to apply selectively and at your own discretion. Proceeding from your fanatical and religions considerations, as in the days of the Inquisitions.

NEOREV wrote:
So let me get this straight, you're giving Liam shit for making money off unpaid samples he used, and that somehow gives YOU the right/clearance to also take those very same samples to make money from?

I already answered several times, I don't care what samples Liam has and where he didn't pay, you changed the discussion into a legal format, I gave you examples. I don't make money on samples. Big labels, bands and musicians "make money", and we are a small project with the possibility of financial support for development and needs from like-minded people.

NEOREV wrote:
Just stop. lol[
it's funny


NEOREV wrote:
Speaking of, you copying Liam's work, you know who also benefited off the blood, sweat, and tears of other people's work?



Anyway, I joke. I joke. But I can't wait for the next...

Do you have some kind of schizoid attack again and you began to delirium?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 9:07 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3116Location: LithuaniaJoined: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:18 pm
This guy is delusional and frankly it's more scary because now I think he really believes on what he's saying.

NEOREV is it possible to bring this shady project to Prodigy HQ attention? I'm sure some people in this community have closer contacts with the band management and get them notified.

This would be the right thing to do instead of giving more attention to this individual.

time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:01 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3825Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
untitled6 wrote:
This guy is delusional and frankly it's more scary because now I think he really believes on what he's saying.

NEOREV is it possible to bring this shady project to Prodigy HQ attention? I'm sure some people in this community have closer contacts with the band management and get them notified.

This would be the right thing to do instead of giving more attention to this individual.

Yeah, I'm exhausted continuing going in circles and talking sense. I'm done with the game of goal post shifting and listening to him revinent something he previously said into something new when his original point crashes into a brickwall. Fan remakes are fine when it's done for the fun of it, but I find the idea of charging for remakes disrespectful. I also said All Souvenirs can do what they want, but not everyone has to agree with it. People are entitled to their opinions. He wanted to attack those people in between his silly ramblings about Hilter and far right terrorists and other hysterically misinformed analogies. The idea of monetizing Prodigy news, history, articles, and remaking Liam's leftovers just feels so grimy. Only the Russians can monetize a fan site. You didn't see Nekosite or Kotta or BK with a beggars cup, hiding stuff behind a paywall. It stops feeling genuine. It no longer feels like it's for the love of the band. Just ego boosting and money making. I've run into my share of these types of fans, who usually like to explain how they're better than other fans. "I'm the truest true fan there is!" All this BS trying to turn this charging for fan remakes about fanaticism, meanwhile here he is trying to make money off fanaticism. If were such fanatics, funny how we ain't buying what you're selling. But he's the truest true fan there is with his deeds versus all us not true fans. It's all just so silly.

According to him, Liam approved of these remakes "by feedback," but still refuses to clarify what that even means.

Perhaps it will eventually come to the attention of Prodigy HQ. Patreon has rules about copyright. There was someone on there selling copyrighted Prodigy material like samples and instrumentals. It got back to HQ and was pulled. Even if what All Souvenirs is doing are considered cover songs, there are still rules about selling cover songs.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:09 pm
User avatarProdigious ArabPosts: 4204Location: The Dark SideJoined: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:22 pm
I'm too lazy to post my opinion on this matter but it's identical to NEOREV's. Selling those remakes is scammy as fuck. Make your own music.

Breathe! If you believe, everything under the sun it was born to be free!
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:49 pm
GruntGruntPosts: 20Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:22 am
Electronic_Punk® wrote:
I'm too lazy to post my opinion on this matter but it's identical to NEOREV's. Selling those remakes is scammy as fuck. Make your own music.

I'm absolutely agreed. Making money on someone else's music is shit, therefore you need to contact Liam about non-payment of all used other people's tracks used by him. Because real money is made there, and we just have project support available.
Or how in sectarian communities everything that concerns the band is sacred, and all other people are crap and owe something to someone, which I actually wrote about at the very beginning. Nice life position!

NEOREV wrote:
Only the Russians can monetize a fan site.

First, you unreasonably attack people on the network and teach them how to live, then you try to divide people into who should pay for samples and who should not, and now there is a classic hatred of nationality and place of residence. So you're a latent fascist dude.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:01 pm
User avatarColonelColonelPosts: 825Location: EnglandJoined: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:20 pm
Makiba wrote:
Electronic_Punk® wrote:
I'm too lazy to post my opinion on this matter but it's identical to NEOREV's. Selling those remakes is scammy as fuck. Make your own music.

I'm absolutely agreed. Making money on someone else's music is shit, therefore you need to contact Liam about non-payment of all used other people's tracks used by him. Because real money is made there, and we just have project support available.
Or how in sectarian communities everything that concerns the band is sacred, and all other people are crap and owe something to someone, which I actually wrote about at the very beginning. Nice life position!

You are actually having a dig at Liam here? In my opinion this proves that this project is just some money making scheme created by non-fans.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:24 pm
GruntGruntPosts: 20Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:22 am
Antz wrote:
You are actually having a dig at Liam here? In my opinion this proves that this project is just some money making scheme created by non-fans.

Here I am simply answering questions about the project and being perplexed by the attacks from the sectarian fanatics, and explaining to them that their logic with which they attack so violently is stupid.

Only a paranoid fanatic, or a person who believed in all the shit that people like Neorev write here, can see a fraudulent scheme.
For example, if I understand correctly, the person with the nickname nasty.rebel who started this topic is one of our friendly sponsors. You can ask him, he tried many times through private messages directly just to buy our work. Moreover, he thought that these were real works, not recreated ones, and we could just take advantage of this. And if we had a goal to deceive someone and make money on it, we would gladly sell it to him. But we didn't do that. He also regularly writes to us and asks with interest questions about upcoming publications - this suggests that a person first donates towards the project free of charge, and then we make all sorts of content. Not just selling something.

All these donations, even by Russian standards, are just pennies, which literally partially cover the costs, to be honest, I'm very much surprised how here some characters are so zealously fighting for $ 2 allegedly lost by Liam. It's just laughter.
To the question about the Russian community, a couple of years ago, when a real Minefields cassette was sold on Ebay, our guys simply collected about 1000 euros free of charge through the community to support the initiative. But here I see an embittered team that only verbally supports everyone, in fact only offends.
One gets the impression that this aggressive team only engaged in fraud and attempts to snatch something somewhere, from there they have such suspicions about others.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:51 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3825Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Makiba wrote:
For example, if I understand correctly, the person with the nickname nasty.rebel who started this topic is one of our friendly sponsors. You can ask him, he tried many times through private messages directly just to buy our work. Moreover, he thought that these were real works, not recreated ones, and we could just take advantage of this. And if we had a goal to deceive someone and make money on it, we would gladly sell it to him. But we didn't do that.

Nah, why do that when you can juice them monthly instead.

Makiba wrote:
I'm absolutely agreed. Making money on someone else's music is shit, therefore you need to contact Liam about non-payment of all used other people's tracks used by him. Because real money is made there, and we just have project support available.

Or how in sectarian communities everything that concerns the band is sacred, and all other people are crap and owe something to someone, which I actually wrote about at the very beginning. Nice life position!

Who said you owe anyone anything? You do have a way of distorting and twisting things.

Wait, so now you're saying the band you claim to love is not sacred to you? No wonder you have no issue turning them into a business for yourself.

Anyway, let's say it one more time for the daft, because your arguments are juvenile at best. For the adults in the room, Liam took samples and reworked them into something new. You did not create anything new. You just copied how Liam works, using his creativity to make a replica of what he did. You didn't invent anything. Your comparison to Liam sampling is flawed. But whatever let's you sleep at night thinking you're right.

Makiba wrote:
First, you unreasonably attack people on the network and teach them how to live, then you try to divide people into who should pay for samples and who should not, and now there is a classic hatred of nationality and place of residence. So you're a latent fascist dude.

Dude, you trying so hard to desperately turn this into some political ideology, constantly with the right wing nonsense, is bafflingly stupid, misguided, and misinformed. By the way, I'm an anti-establishment, tax the rich, pro-union, pro-choice, Medicare4All, Bernie Sanders loving, BLM supporting, LGBTQ+ supporting, progressive who ran an anti-Trump group for 4 years. Facebook even pulled down all my pages in retaliation for my support of BLM and bashing Trump. It doesn't get more anti-fascist than that.


So, please, stop embarrassing yourself. I don't know how else to show how ignorant and stupid you are than with your own words above. Yesterday, your word of the day was fanaticism, today it's fascism. You sure do love your -isms. Go back to your dictionary, look up the word defeatism and accept you've been defeated.


So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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