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<  MUSIC FROM THE JILTED GENERATION VOL. 4  ~  Vote for album cover

Best cover

1. Boubafeet
[ 2 ] 5%
2. Jericho X
[ 1 ] 3%
3. Senadb
[ 0 ] 0%
4. Necronomicon2 [1]
[ 0 ] 0%
5. Necronomicon2 [2]
[ 3 ] 8%
6. Dims
[ 7 ] 18%
7. Aquila [1]
[ 4 ] 11%
8. Aquila [2]
[ 3 ] 8%
9. High Voltage [1]
[ 4 ] 11%
10. High Voltage [2]
[ 5 ] 13%
11. Pie Hands
[ 9 ] 24%

Total votes : 38
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:03 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 4134Location: kiev, ukraineJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:17 pm
those last 4 posts seemed to come out of nowhere!

stopped me right in my tracks i can tell ya.
all very interesting...


behind you... seriously... look behind you
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:20 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2949Location: woppity woppity woppityJoined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:33 am
Cogglesz wrote:
oracle, aquila and bk himself sold there share over.

I didn't know I had shares with

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:17 pm
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 58Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:57 pm
Aquila wrote:
Cogglesz wrote:
oracle, aquila and bk himself sold there share over.

I didn't know I had shares with

I shared some good times

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:10 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6933Location: Scotland UKJoined: Wed May 23, 2007 2:57 pm
:lol: sorry aquila, i thought u had all that stuff cuz its still mentioning your getting an album pressed on the home page :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:35 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2949Location: woppity woppity woppityJoined: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:33 am
fuck.....they STILL have that image on their page?

I asked them to remove it fucking months ago.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:01 pm
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 17Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:24 pm
What the F*** Pie Hands?! And the rest is the most NON related stuff possible!Whats with the skull anyway guys!?Voteless :arrow:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:28 pm
User avatarColonelColonelPosts: 948Location: AmsterdamJoined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:12 pm
Aquila wrote:
fuck.....they STILL have that image on their page?

I asked them to remove it fucking months ago.

I've just removed it. Cool?

The fact that there's not much happening lately with BK-R is largely my fault, I was organizing the next event in Bratislava but due finances and putting all my energy into my life and own musical output, I wasn't able to pull it off yet. Thomas invested a lot of money into getting this going, so it's my turn now and I'm to blame.

I'm moving to the Netherlands for good early summer, perhaps there will be more oppurtinities to continue this shit and get up to speed again, with some new artists who are a bit more committed and motivating...and especially if I finally hear something new that gets me excited. I don't sadly, and definitely not here, where it all started :(

And Oracle is talking a lot of utter shit, as always. I don't know what drugs he smokes, but it must be really strong stuff. Take it easy and don't spread hate.

By the way, I like what the other guys are doing at music playground, so if you're missing that old vibe, you know where to go.

bomb ep | soundcloud | twitter
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:39 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6933Location: Scotland UKJoined: Wed May 23, 2007 2:57 pm
im not spreading hate around, im just doing my reasearch asking old members of what it was like i've even found a wiki page talking about the whole bk-recs and although as u say oracle was talking utter shit, he told me the reason was because of exposing somthing, perhaps a little secret that got kept quite to everyone

i've also herd from people (Ex Bkr's) that if i got signed on to them i'd make bearly anything, and i got told to look, noones been sucessfull at bk-r im not spreading hate as u say, im just finding stuff from the people who were once there and checking through webpages.

acording to this, the artists who took control of bkr after brainkiller giving his share over said that they only signed themselfs on and advertising there own stuff while ingoring the other people who never took it over.

and also mentions of votes on contests being fake, like votes would come from nowere and all others would be ruled out, seemed like the artists who took over played about with everyone and just advertising their own stuff.

and of course mentions that after that, it became a dead forum.

now in my opinion, i don't mean to be nasty here but it seems as if somthing bad did happen considering everyones left and never returned, it makes me suspicious, aquila, oracle, lothario and all that wouldn't have left and made their own thing (Music Playground) unless somthing was wrong with bkr.

so since it seems your the owner there, can u tell me why it went down hill and most great artists left ? and why ? :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:35 pm
User avatarColonelColonelPosts: 948Location: AmsterdamJoined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:12 pm

1st: I'm not the owner.

2st: The forum is dead, personally I don't see any reason to even have it there...just a relic really. You want the forum, go to music playground. It's pretty good.

3rd: BK-R has been intended as a totally different thing, we wanted to finally do something with some cool music and elevate it to a real life entity - to make events (which we already did), and to try and push a cool sound out there . At the time we "took over", it was a dead place with no future, and we wanted to make it into the thing it was promised to be at the very beginning (2003-2004). The guys who didn't like where we were going started their own thing, as we did, and it's great.

4th: There were no shares being sold over, shares are in corporations :-D

5th: BK Recordings is a non-profit organization registered in Belgium. There's no fucking money in it for us at all, we wanted to sell the tunes to support our live events and the music. Eventual money from the CD's, digital sales, merchandise etc. would be split in a very fair way between the artists (after recouping) and the organization - which would use it to finance events marketing and advertising costs. Again, it's non-profit, look it up.

6th: "Would barely make anything"... it makes me laugh a bit, as there's not much money in this kind of music, probably not even enough to recoup the money needed to produce the records and distribute it. If there was, the artists would be very well off. Oracle just misinterpreted something we were discussing very early before even doing anything and been busy spreading lies and "conspiracy theories". Americans who post on forums all day like to do that.

That's about it.

bomb ep | soundcloud | twitter
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:37 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6933Location: Scotland UKJoined: Wed May 23, 2007 2:57 pm
cheers i just wanted to know a little more bout the forums, i ment no offence what so ever :shock: ...

but then again u never explained the the thing bout the false votings and signing on.

im sorry i mistakened you for being the owner, just seemed u had the answers to what i am infact looking for,

the idea of live gigs is good in my opinion, with cd's and all that stuff, would have been good if it worked out. most of us new generation of music makers maybe pretty shit such as myself but we keep it as a passion and it grows into more than just passion, we keep up what were doing now and good things can happen (there can't be chemical brothers or prodigy forever on the music industry can there). all my question was, what happened to bkr and why does everyone near enough hate the place that started of so promising

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:28 pm
User avatarColonelColonelPosts: 948Location: AmsterdamJoined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:12 pm
Just to settle these things down, I can say for myself that the contest in question was a very bad idea - in retrospective, it should never have happened. A the time it was our attempt to make some sort of a continuity and to find some interesting artist who would be into the idea of boomy, fresh crossover electronic stuff performed live. However, there were no fake votes! I still don't understand exactly what happened, Oracle may have mistaked the "average points" column or something for a "fifth voter" - I really can't say. But it doesn't matter much now anyway, does it? Those were really chaotic times and many people including me (mildly said :-D ) have written statements that were really twocky, ill-considered and amusingly stupid.

I'm not active on forums and I can't say much for sure about the future of BK-Recs - but I still love our original idea, I'm still very very active making music, I made and I'm making a lot of sacrifices to make it happen eventually. Whether it will be only me or as BK-R, fuck knows, we'll see. :-D

P.S.: I've seen some guys have rewritten the wiki page, and it's not very nice. Granted that there are some thruths about us being not very active, but at least write something objective and not hateful. We have organized one very fucking cool event which certainly no one did before. Lot of money went into it, and we were very close to do a big run of the first promo CD. Strangely enough, people are not writing dissful wiki pages about the other 343,129 similar labels which were inactive for 10 months...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:02 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2744Location: ItalyJoined: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:58 pm
funny how this thread turned into BKR spitfiring discussion

I always learned from others, and always thought: if he can do it, i can do it too. surfing the web i saw the prodigy fan sites and none of them where complete. the best one at that time was nekosite but no downloads and people asking for them

so i started spamming people about it, ripping emails from other fan sites guesbooks. downloads was the key of success.

I always like to come up with one idea and let the people make it bigger. so VOLUME 1 was born. before myspace there was where artists had their own pages. so why not have them on my site where their music goes straight to the target. prodigy fans making music inspired by prodigy for other prodigy fans. BK Music ONE was born.

the perfect site, lots of work updating everything but also lots of time as i was a Prada accessories manager working in my office 10 hours a day, so had internet all the time.

people wanted to get bigger, dreaming of real releases, cds, gigs and pay per mp3s. BK Recordings was born. I called every music manager from my region Tuscany and sent them demos. called every radio station and sent them demos. some even played tracks from VOLUME 1. was fucking great to drive to Milan and hear Subwoofer and Neorev on the radio.

every big name in the music industry replied to me: these guys are good, but can be better. we'll call you back.

but these guys were more and more hungry for real releases. i tried to tell them the chances are very small but couldn't tell them that the music industry is a big fucking jungle and we are just a bunch of kinds playin'

then i started my own business, selling pc's, printers copiers etc. and had less and less time. so I had to choose between a safe but small investment that was my business, or a bigger but risky one that was BKR.

I had 20 pc's 10 printers and 2 copiers. Then I had High Voltage and Subwoofer, the 2 names spotted by all the labels i been in contact with. but had no album. few tracks, good ones, but had no damned debut album to sell. I had to choose the first option, my IT shop.

meantime my dad felt bad and discovered he had a lung cancer. my mom wasn't that healthy either. so i had to run between 2 hospitals for them. no daily job, bills to pay, only a few pcs at home to sell. fucking cloudy days eating a sandwich every 2 days, sleeping 4 hours at night and desperately seeking for people to buy my pc's. medics told me my dad has only 5 years left. 11 months later he died.

lucky me I had BigSugar to watch this forum. my people at BKR asked if they can take control of the situation and of course i agreed. but forget to warn them the music industry is a fucking jungle. make music, have fun but don't pretend to make milions overnight

just wanted to make clear the BKR situation to some people. sorry if I haven't said anything before this topic came up

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:35 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2482Location: NorwayJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:27 pm
Wow... :( I really don't know what to say... I feel for you! I think everybody here at the forum supports you and understand what you've been through. :(
Be strong!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:18 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6933Location: Scotland UKJoined: Wed May 23, 2007 2:57 pm
what jericho says is true, i think we've all been through really rough times, i had bad times with foster homes and residentual schools and never seeing mom or dad for 4 years.... we've all had shit in our lifes and all we can do is get stronger and be better and build ourselfs up from the shit and into the greatness.

we lose our most closest people in our lifes and they may never be replaced, nor forgotten, the main thing is, is that we try, we try to do good, we try to give each other hugs and try to cheer ourselfs up, we work together as a team and this is the result, the brainkiller forums, the most strongest community i've ever been in, i've never encounted such a great time from anywere else, we laugh, we cry and we certanly can't make things perfect, but we can make them a damn lot better if things go down bad, i am deeply sorry for your lose bk :( as i would feel for everyone here... we can only build ourselfs stronger, we can learn from the mistakes we made in life and we can do much more, we need to understand and learn from each other, like i said before this aint just a prodigy forum man, this is alot lot more to me and others on here at the forums, sure if we lose the people who got us into the world, we feel bad we feel like somthing is missing, and its always gonna be missing, your always gonna feel bad about it, but we can only do what they'd want us to do, not let this get you down forever, sorin, you've got yourself a wife, and i know somday as well as yourself you'll have a family, like most of us here will too, we can be thankfull for giving life, we can be thankfull to those who gave us life aswell, we may not be able to bring back the loved ones and all the amazing great times, but they will live in our hearts and there is nothing more too it, i can't instantly make things better for everyone, if i could, i'd be giving everyone happiness on these forums and especially you sorin for the amazing forum and website you made, if it wern't for you, i'd only have AONO and their law lol

now i think we should just build on here, we should make the place better, and more exiting, we keep at what were doing and never stop.

i think for bk recs in the future it would be nice for bk to bring it back as a forum not like gigs or anything until we have the stuff we need and backup plans, it should be a playfull thing for now, let time take its toll and may the future be bright...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:39 pm
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 179Location: York, UKJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:37 pm
Cup of tea anyone?

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